Les Petits Poussins – Mixed-Age Toddlers

Two happy children engageing in messy play activities in The Gower School private Nursery.In our private nursery we have two rooms for toddlers, where there is a strong, age-appropriate emphasis on the Practical Life area. This area underpins the focus on developing the children’s independence, concentration, socialisation, confidence and self-discipline. The implementation of the special helper scheme in these classrooms mean that the children have a free choice of snacks at any time in the morning. The cutting-up of their own snack and helping to serve their friends at mealtimes helps to build the child’s sense of responsibility. The independence and confidence developed through using the materials is transferred into the “real world”.

There is a lot of time to enjoy the outdoor world too, including regular walks to the shops to buy plants and visiting the local park. Children enjoy using the large wooden blocks for play on the outdoor decking area.

Les Petits Poussins (The Little Chicks) is run by Miss Ebru Kaya, who has BA (Hons) in Education and Early Childhood studies and has been with us since September 2015.

Our professional sports coach runs a weekly football coaching session for the children. Professional musicians, Sarah Wilkinson and Louise Loft, join Les Petits Poussins each week to run music sessions, including guitar, singing, percussion and piano in the hall.

Our staff have all been trained in Tiny Talk (sign language for babies) and we offer parents the opportunity to find out more about this unique way of communicating with your child through baby-sign language. Please visit www.tinytalk.co.uk for more information.

Protecting our environment for the future is at the heart of The Gower School’s ethos and we reduce our waste by using washable, real cotton nappies for all of our babies and toddlers. When they are changed, they wear a washable nappy. If you are interested in sustainable nappies, please visit: www.shop.nappyeverafter.co.uk

The Principal will also email all parents a fortnightly nursery newsletter and send an annual report on your child’s progress.

Les Petits Poussins’ day runs from 8am to 6pm.

  • Breakfast is available at 8am.
  • Snack is from 9:30am.
  • Lunch at 11:45am and tea at 3:45pm.
  • Quiet/sleep time is available for children who have an afternoon nap.
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