Toddler Montessori

At The Gower School nursery in Islington, toddlers have access to early Montessori materials and activities. The Montessori ethos runs throughout the whole of the nursery. All activities are differentiated to cater for each individual child and their needs.

Children are provided with an assortment of Practical Life Skills activities to assist the development of several skills. These include concentration, fine motor development and hand eye co-ordination, and to encourage their independence. Additionally, activities such as pouring, spooning and threading activities suit each child’s individual ability.

Montessori Work Cycle

As a part of the Montessori Work Cycle, children are encouraged to choose their own activities and then to tidy them away when they are finished. For example, Treasure Baskets and Heuristic Play sessions provide babies and toddlers with opportunities to develop their fine motor skills. Sensorial activities allow children to explore size, shape, weight and textures through different objects.

A child completes the colour wheel in The Gower School Montessori Nursery, Islington.

Montessori Activities and Play

Children can choose activities independently in the Montessori classroom. For example, construction activities, role play and puzzles help the children develop their pre-language and pre-mathematic skills. Importantly, all activities are accessible to the children on shelves at their height.

Creative activities such as painting, collage and mark making are available in each room for children to explore. There is also a variety of malleable play activities such as playdough, sand and water play and sensory trays. Children explore colour, texture and shape. Additionaly, these activities develop hand muscles which will support their future writing.

A girl counts with counting sticks at The Gower School Montessori Nursery, Islington.

The Gower School fosters a sense of independent self care in children. Children put on their own shoes and coats and to help with dressing themselves in all rooms. Also, they are supported with brushing their teeth and washing their hands to develop their self-care skills also.

At mealtimes the children are encouraged to pour their own drink, clean their own face and tidy away their dishes where possible.

Our nursery services families in the areas of Islington, Camden, Kentish Town, Tufnell Park, Highbury, Holloway and further afield. Interested in enrolling your child to our ‘Outstanding’ Montessori nursery? Simply visit our online application portal and begin your registration.

Come visit us!

Come and visit our ‘Outstanding’
Montessori Nursery and Primary school

Holiday Fun Club – book now for holiday fun with friends for Easter!

Nursery Open Mornings

Primary Open Mornings

Can’t make our Nursery Open Morning dates?
Call 0207 700 2445 or email us at to schedule an ad-hoc tour.

We look forward to welcoming you to
The Gower School!