Collaborative Montessori Accreditation

“The Gower School children are active, busy, comfortable, sociable and happy.”

Collaborative Montessori Accreditation Board, July 2023

To become an accredited Montessori curriculum provider, The Gower School is inspected by the Collaborative Montessori Accreditation Board. In July 2023 and January 2024 our nursery and primary schools were inspected by the board. Our provision was deemed ‘excellent’ according to both reports.

The accreditation criteria draw on the dynamic learning triangle of the Child, Adult and Environment. These principles of focus are at the core of the Montessori philosophy and approach. The Collaborative Montessori Board has released its reports along with our accreditations, and we are very pleased with the results.

They concluded, ‘At The Gower School children are active, busy, comfortable, sociable and happy.’ Our provision ‘is excellent, as children experience stimulating learning opportunities.‘ Children are offered ‘rich in educational, creative and play resources which fully contribute to the children’s holistic development.’ The assessment lauded our curriculum for its positive effects on children in their personal independence, socialisation, exploration, movement and learning.

Our long-standing staff team was given much-deserved credit. ‘The teachers are a real asset at TGS‘, the report wrote. ‘They are enthusiastic, caring, attentive, respectful, watchful and cooperate well together within each classroom to ensure they positively contribute to the delivery of best practice. The quality of engagement with the children is of a very high standard, being attentive and unobtrusive, enthusiastic and responsive.’

Parent voices were heard as well in a survey of our nursery and primary school. Parents describe our teachers as, ‘calm, reassuring, professional, friendly, joyful, encouraging and organised.’

This accreditation follows on from our Outstanding and Excellent designations by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in November 2022.

Come visit us!

Come and visit our ‘Outstanding’
Montessori Nursery and Primary school

Holiday Fun Club – book now for holiday fun with friends for Easter!

Nursery Open Mornings

Primary Open Mornings

Can’t make our Nursery Open Morning dates?
Call 0207 700 2445 or email us at to schedule an ad-hoc tour.

We look forward to welcoming you to
The Gower School!