To view our current fee sheet please download it below.
The Gower School Nursery Fees 2025
The Gower School Primary Fees 2025
VAT on primary school fees
The government has decided that from January 2025, fees for primary age children at all independent schools are liable for VAT. Our fee sheet includes the impact of VAT. Nursery-age children are not affected.
New government childcare places schemes in 2024
We participate in the government-supported childcare places schemes for 9 months to 2 years, and 2 years to 3 years old, which began in 2024.
The government’s eligibility rules for all nurseries are that the child must be the appropriate age at the start of the relevant term (1 April, 1 September, 1 January), and both parents must each be earning more than £167 per week, and less than £100,000 per year (one parent either below the minimum or above the maximum makes the family ineligible).
Details of timings of nursery places availability as part of this scheme are available from the nursery office.
For eligible families who are booked into nursery for further hours, the government’s funding will be deducted from their invoice.
Whilst the Government funding is structured for 38 weeks of the year (term time), our places are for 48 weeks of the year and so the funded hours are stretched over the 48 weeks that we’re open. Applied over 48 weeks, the funding equates to 11.88 hours per week.
Parents can assess their eligibility for funding and the application process by visiting the Government Childcare Choices website.