Working in Partnership


At The Gower School we value clear lines of communication and welcome your feedback.

We follow an open door policy where we welcome you in to speak to us when needed. You will have the opportunity to speak to your child’s Key Person or Key Teacher, Co-Key Person and other staff on a daily basis.

We also ask you to please pass on any relevant information relating to your child. We would like to know if they have not slept well, have been out of sorts, that you have visitors or a parent is away. All these things affect your child and this way we will be informed and, so can ensure that we can cater for your child’s needs each day.

Nursery School

The Gower School is very proud to offer parents ‘My Montessori Child’ – a bespoke secure record-keeping system for Montessori schools. We use this in all our nursery and reception Montessori classes and parents are able to log into our system securely to see their child’s progress in real-time.

For children attending the nursery school, you will receive daily updates on ‘My Montessori Child’ written by your child’s Key Person. The daily updates will include a record of what snacks and meals your child has eaten and the times they have slept during their afternoon nap. You can use this online system to pass on any messages to your child’s Key Person if you do not have time to speak to them in the mornings. Each child’s ‘My Montessori Child’ page will be updated weekly with photographs and write-ups of the activities your child has been achieving at nursery that week. You may also call the nursery office at any point to find out how our child is doing and we will give you an up-to-the-minute update.

The Principal, Miss Gowers, will send you an annual written report each summer term. There is a Parents’ Open Evening in the autumn term to view the children’s work and for teachers and parents to meet informally. We hold parent meetings for formal feedback and progress on a regular basis. Children from age two are offered the Progress Check or the Integrated Review. Termly parent meetings are offered for children over three years of age. Parents are invited in to spend time with their child at nursery every Friday morning and this is a fantastic opportunity for children to show their parents what activities they are currently enjoying at the nursery. We also organise annual Afternoon Teas for parents and Welcome Meetings each term for children who are transitioning to the next room. There are regular opportunities for parents to join in with trips or events, such as National Storytelling Week and visits to the farm. In addition, The Gower School also arranges termly Montessori parent workshops.

Primary School

At the primary school, weekly parent meetings are offered on Tuesday afternoons and you are requested to come in once a term. Please book these meetings through SchoolCloud by the end of the school day on the previous Friday. SchoolCloud is a parent portal for the primary school where you can access your child’s details, inform the school of any changes in their details, download or sync the event calendar and parents receive assessment reports for their child through the system. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please let us know beforehand, so that the meetings can be the most productive for you. Your child’s homework diaries will be read each day by their teacher, so if you need to write any messages, please use the homework diary.

The Principal, Miss Gowers, will send you an annual written report each summer term, as well as an interim report at the end of the autumn term. There is an annual Exhibition Evening when parents are invited to informally view the school and the artwork the children have made, as well as to meet all the teachers.

The Gower School also holds Welcome Meetings for parents each academic year, as well as termly coffee mornings and information evenings.


We welcome parents in for a number of activities ranging from Mother’s Day Activity Day, Father’s Day Activity Day, World Book Day to National Storytelling Week and many more.

Please note you are able to request a meeting at any point throughout the year should you wish to.  There are also suggestion boxes in each reception area and an annual parents’ survey for your feedback.  We take your views very seriously.

We also welcome and encourage parents to come and spend time with their child in their classroom by coming in earlier to pick them up whenever you wish to.  This is a great opportunity to spend time exploring activities with your child in their class.

Our parents also come in to share their job or hobby experiences to help broaden children’s experiences and enjoy getting involved with second-hand uniform sales, cake sales and other events to support the school.

Come visit us!

Come and visit our ‘Outstanding’
Montessori Nursery and Primary school

Holiday Fun Club – book now for holiday fun with friends for February half term!

Nursery Open Mornings

Primary Open Mornings

Empowered Parenting Course

Can’t make our Nursery Open Morning dates?
Call 0207 700 2445 or email us at to schedule an ad-hoc tour.

We look forward to welcoming you to
The Gower School!