About Us


The Gower School offers a high-quality and broad curriculum in multi-age groups aimed at the development of the whole person – mind, body, heart and soul.  We teach academic and social skills, as well as life skills, to last a lifetime.

The principles and philosophy of Dr Maria Montessori underpin the School’s educational approach. Montessori is widely recognised internationally as helping to educate young people to the highest modern standards and giving them a lifelong love of learning, which exceeds the expectations of the British National Curriculum.

The Gower School:

  • builds our children’s self-esteem through positive management of behaviour.
  • sees all children as individuals to be treated with consideration and not in a patronising or undermining way.
  • takes a holistic, child-centred and inclusive approach based on a profound respect for children and understanding what they are capable of.
  • promotes enthusiasm and a joy for learning that enables children to realise their full potential.
  • follows the progress of each individual child, taking account of their personal interests.
  • challenges each child according to their individual capabilities.
  • develops children’s social skills by learning in groups mixed according to subject and interest – as happens in life – rather than age.
  • lays firm foundations for confident learners who are prepared to tackle challenges.

The Gower School prides itself on a high teacher-to-child ratio, far exceeding most other schools. Our teachers are all highly-trained observers.  They are committed to providing each child with an individual plan of work that challenges them and which follows a steady learning programme.

Each child is allocated their own ‘Key Person’ at The Gower School.  Young children make secure attachments and strong bonds with their dedicated Key Person, who takes care of them and looks out for them in their parents’ absence.

Each classroom at the school is very well-resourced, with high-quality learning materials to enable a wide range of educational learning through practical activities.

The Gower School offers a very broad curriculum – meeting and exceeding everything expected in the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. Activities are project-led and the children all learn core lessons and then follow their interests by researching connected topics. All our learning is very hands-on and children learn through activity in the environment.
We are committed to strong partnership-working with parents and run a continuous programme of parent workshops and social events throughout the year. We fundraise regularly for charity – raising in excess of £10,000 each year – and the children are engaged in their local community.
The Gower School also prides itself on a wonderful range of specialist-taught extra-curricular activities which run each week, both during the school day and after school, including:

  • Sports (tennis, football, cricket, touch rugby, netball, swimming, tag rugby, quicksticks)
  • Dance (ballet, modern dance, theatre)
  • Music (singing, percussion, music appreciation, instrumental lessons, drama and theatre)

as well as  Yoga, French, Chinese Mandarin, Cookery, Coding, Jewellery-making, and Arts and Crafts. Our standards of music, sports and modern languages are extremely high and the children achieve impressive levels, as well as participating in concerts, events and fixtures with other schools.

Our nursery and primary schools offer, in addition to the core school day, an extensive wrap-around service, incorporating a range of after-school activities and holiday-enrichment activities.  These enable us to offer 8am – 6pm operating hours over 48 weeks of the year for 0-11 year-old children.

At The Gower School we take a nurturing approach to look at the whole child.  We celebrate their many achievements and milestones with you as they grow and blossom into independent-minded, creative, responsible young people. We are a school which values the individuality of each child.  We pride ourselves on meeting each child’s needs to ensure they are happy, stimulated and able to be themselves.

Thank you for your interest in The Gower School.

Come visit us!

Come and visit our ‘Outstanding’
Montessori Nursery and Primary school

Holiday Fun Club – book now for holiday fun with friends for Easter!

Nursery Open Mornings

Primary Open Mornings

Can’t make our Nursery Open Morning dates?
Call 0207 700 2445 or email us at nurseryadmissions@thegowerschool.co.uk to schedule an ad-hoc tour.

We look forward to welcoming you to
The Gower School!